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“Theory You” Launches the Topic of Self-Mentoring

Theory You, a book about Self-mentoring“Theory You” is all about the management of you. It prepares you for the management of others by first learning to manage yourself via a self-mentoring approach. You can manage yourself to promotions and prepare yourself to succeed when you are assigned to manage others. The principles will take you from day one to the corner office. “Theory You” is a real world approach to management that is based upon real life experiences as well as established management techniques and principles. It launches the topic of self-mentoring; manage you to better manage others. It’s the personal addition to “Theory X” and “Theory Y”.

2801, 2016


Good managers make good decisions. What makes a good decision? There are a number of factors to consider when evaluating a decision. However, let's start with a premise that no one makes perfect decisions every time. Many decisions are open to interpretation. Since our goal is good decisions I believe [...]

1401, 2016


Good managers make good decisions. The ability to make good decisions is a necessity for anyone seeking to reach senior management no matter the industry or the firm. Decisions come in all shapes and sizes and often arrive unannounced. They are never an "O.T.O." [one time only]. There are always [...]

2912, 2015

A NEW YEAR: 2016

This week marks the end of 2015 and brings in a new year: 2016. This week is a perfect time to reflect back upon the past year and also set goals for the upcoming year. It starts with a commitment to be honest...honest to yourself. W. Edwards Deming, the famous [...]