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“Theory You” Launches the Topic of Self-Mentoring

Theory You, a book about Self-mentoring“Theory You” is all about the management of you. It prepares you for the management of others by first learning to manage yourself via a self-mentoring approach. You can manage yourself to promotions and prepare yourself to succeed when you are assigned to manage others. The principles will take you from day one to the corner office. “Theory You” is a real world approach to management that is based upon real life experiences as well as established management techniques and principles. It launches the topic of self-mentoring; manage you to better manage others. It’s the personal addition to “Theory X” and “Theory Y”.

2511, 2015


In business standards are part of every day life. We all have to "meet standard" to keep our job or to advance in our job. Companies and or bosses set standards that must be met or achieved and those standards are communicated to the people who must meet the standards. [...]

1211, 2015


I am constantly amazed by people who never answer the question they were asked. The recent political debates have put a spotlight on this problem spurring me to write a second blog on the topic. But it goes far deeper than just the political debates. People all too often in [...]

611, 2015

Marketing Approach to Management

In preparing for a new teaching assignment I developed a lecture re: the contribution of marketing to management or put another way a marketing approach to management. The actual catalyst came from my notes re: team building we did years ago. The team builders gave us an exercise to teach [...]