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Yearly Archives: 2017



9/11 The date 9/11 will live on in the history of our country as one of our darkest days. The lives lost in the attack on the twin towers were both tragic and heroic. The incredible first responder efforts by New York's Finest, the members of the New York Police Department and New York Fire [...]

By |September 11th, 2017|Leadership|0 Comments


I just read an article in "Fortune" magazine titled: "4 Ways Women Can Be Taken More Seriously At work". It made quite an impression on me as to the state of women and business in this country. The first point: Decide to participate even if is daunting. The point made me think of Ann Madden, [...]

By |July 17th, 2017|Gender Gap, management|0 Comments


The House of Representatives is busily working to foster the death of process in government. Every good manager knows process is important in the conduct of business. Organizations need structure and discipline in order to perform at the highest level. Process is not more important than the outcome rather process aids in the development of [...]

By |May 4th, 2017|Leadership|0 Comments


In my previous blog I noted the new norm of a 72.5 hour work week for E.M.P.'s [executives, managers and professionals]. One of the major complaints that helped create this new norm was the time devoted to meetings by E.M.P.'s and the resultant impact on the rest of their work. There is ample opportunity to [...]

By |March 15th, 2017|management, meetings, new norm|0 Comments


A recent study published by the Harvard Business Review stated that the new norm for E.M.P.'s [executives, managers, professionals] is a 72.5 hour work week. That is the new norm and it has alarming implications. The typical work week breaks down to 13.5 hour days Monday to Friday and 5 hours on the weekend. A [...]

By |March 11th, 2017|Executive, management|0 Comments


And the winner is: The Advertising Industry! I planned to watch the opening of the Oscars last night and ended up watching the entire show. The reason: the ads were terrific. The first few ads I saw were so good I stayed with the telecast until the end purely to view the ads. Although I [...]

By |February 27th, 2017|Oscars|0 Comments


According to a recent Gallup poll in 2014 companies promote the wrong person to a management role 82% of the time. In my book "Theory You" I noted that was one of the main reasons for writing the book. If we want to examine the problem there are several contributing factors that involve both the [...]

By |February 26th, 2017|management, Self-management|0 Comments


In response to a recent blog re: do as I do as a management tool one of the readers posted a message that struck a chord. Her response was: "management is really about common sense". I agree wholeheartedly with her viewpoint. When I taught management courses at Northeastern University I always took a few minutes [...]

By |February 1st, 2017|management, Self-management|0 Comments


I have often been puzzled as to why managers forsake their training, disciplines and processes when they are confronted by a serious problem or crisis. The time when the above are most valuable is when one is confronted with a crisis. Crisis management should be the optimum time to utilize the skills we have developed [...]

By |January 26th, 2017|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Do As I Say

In the past month I've had several instances where people have talked to me about a similar problem. Managers expect their subordinates to do as the manager says but not to do as the manager does. The instances have included wardrobe, promptness, and policy. In each case the manager violated the rules he had established [...]

By |January 25th, 2017|Leadership, management, Self-management, Uncategorized|0 Comments