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Monthly Archives: February 2017



And the winner is: The Advertising Industry! I planned to watch the opening of the Oscars last night and ended up watching the entire show. The reason: the ads were terrific. The first few ads I saw were so good I stayed with the telecast until the end purely to view the ads. Although I [...]

By |February 27th, 2017|Oscars|0 Comments


According to a recent Gallup poll in 2014 companies promote the wrong person to a management role 82% of the time. In my book "Theory You" I noted that was one of the main reasons for writing the book. If we want to examine the problem there are several contributing factors that involve both the [...]

By |February 26th, 2017|management, Self-management|0 Comments


In response to a recent blog re: do as I do as a management tool one of the readers posted a message that struck a chord. Her response was: "management is really about common sense". I agree wholeheartedly with her viewpoint. When I taught management courses at Northeastern University I always took a few minutes [...]

By |February 1st, 2017|management, Self-management|0 Comments