We Need Each Other
We need each other for the organization to perform at its best efficiency. It is the responsibility of management to instill this precept in each member of the company. When individuals in the company recognize this concept and then practice it in their every day business life the ability of the team to function at a high level increases dramatically. And in almost every single company the need is accurate. Managers are faced every day with the challenge to accomplish more with a shortage of resources. Do more with less is the challenge of the times.
The Round Holes
Last week I wrote about the positive aspects of incorporating so called square pegs into the organization and utilizing their contributions. In the same line of thinking the so called round holes also need incorporation and appreciation. Every firm needs the contributions of the round holes in order to meet scheduled requirements and grow and prosper. Round holes for purposes of this discussion can be described as the backbone of an organization. Round holes deliver as promised every day and the organization can rely upon them. The tendency is to believe the round holes need little management time or supervision. I contend this is an error in judgement. The round holes need feedback, encouragement and appreciation which requires effort from management. The mistake is to take them for granted. It is a situation I hear mentioned numerous times in different ways throughout the year unfortunately in negative tones.
Management Time
The tendency for most managers is to allocate their time to the problem areas. This is clearly a priority and I support the direction. However, most managers does not translate to best managers. The best managers find time to communicate properly with those who do not represent problems or challenges. The best managers find the time to motivate the round holes who are performing at a high level to continue to perform at that high level and even improve their level of performance. The truly gifted managers do not allow the negative square pegs to alienate the round holes from the firm.
Personal Management
Personal management requires a time commitment from the manager. If a manager wants to invest in the round holes she has to be willing to make that commitment. In many cases that time commitment involves a change in behavior. Meaningful behavior change is difficult for everyone. The only thing more difficult is to maintain the new course after the change has been initiated. The inertia to change is formidable and no one can overcome the inertia unless they truly want to change. The strength to change comes from within. Thus the desire to be a world class manager may sound simple and easy but it is far from that. It is complex and hard.
We Need Each Other
The incentive to accomplish the above: to motivate the round holes properly, to accommodate the square pegs, to develop a personal management approach and to become a world class manager is rooted in the notion that a great organization understands it needs each other. The reason global teams often function at a higher rate of effectiveness than home office teams is the realization the members of the global team truly do need each other to survive let alone perform at a high level. Once that deep understanding of shared need surfaces the team or organization is at the first critical point in becoming a high performing team or organization. Without the understanding of that need the rest of the key steps suffer and the organization may suffer.